Finally SPM's over. And for now it's time for cleaning up everything which is not going to be anymore FOREVER! (I guess..) But 1 thing i'm pretty sure that is
never throw accounts book.
Cleaned up my 5 years' mess (yea man =D)
There's Biology
There's Chemistry
There's Physics
There's English
There's Bm
There's Sivik
There's PJ
There's Mathematics
There's Additional Mathematics
There's Accounts
There's History
There's Moral
Pack some of these and gave my sister for future use. Well, it wasn't really that useful but.. you know.. why not. But most of it is going to the recycle department =)
So.. now SPM's over. Time to plan for tomorrow's future.
Piloting? Interested
Aircraft Engineering? Interested
Nuclear Engineering? hmm..
Accountancy? Nope..
Architecture? Interested
Culinary Arts/Chef/Hospitality/Tourism/Hotel Management? Interested but..
Medical field? Mannnn....
Designer? for hobby only.
Bio tech? Still with plasma membrane? o.o
Marketing/Business/Sales/Insurance/Unit trust/Financial? not that interested.
Computerizing/Information Technology? Not really..
Pharmacy? Job opportunities are currently full house ~
Journalism? Everyday one column ~~
Law? Not a 'law' kind of person..
Physiology? Not much development in this field by our country i guess
Telecommunication? Not that interested.
I guess these are pretty much all the fields/courses that i had took into consideration.